Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Over IT!

I'm seriously OVER IT!!!!! Over Provo, stupid girls at stupid beauty school. Stupid people being upset over stupid things. Seriously! I am ready to be done with Provo. Thank goodness I am leaving in less than 10 days! Yipee!!!! L.A. is sounding better and better every second of every day. Ugh... sorry. I just needed to get it out....

Oh and Shout out to Chyla.... Let's all give her a warm welcome to the blogging world! Yay go Chyla! *cough* update more!!! *cough*

I am going to bed..... My feet hurt.... 13 hours at school on your feet.... doesn't feel so nice....

1 comment:

Bonnie and Tyler said...

I think it must be a beauty school thing. It's like that here too. It always seems to happen when there are a bunch of girls together all day long.