Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter!!!!!!! Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter! Here's what we did... and by we I mean Chyla and I.... Chyla was really excited to find some Cadbury Creme Eggs she said it wouldn't be Easters without them... so in preparation for Easters we had to search for them... would it really be that hard......?
Bored between driving to the stores and stopping at home real quick. Perfect opportunity for a photo opp!
Yep! It would be that hard! See all those empty Shelves? Every grocery store looked like that! And all anyone had was Orange Creme filled.. she replied with "ewww Yuck!"..... The search continues...
I win! I found the ones I wanted!!!! Yay go me! Wait.... we were looking for Chyla.. we shall Search some more!
This was real life. She found them. One left. Hidden between the shelves. She was so excited. I was possibly rolling my eyes at her at how excited she got over.. CHOCOLATE!!!!!!
Now, onto coloring the eggs.... Chyla starts by hard boiling the eggs
I set up the coloring equipment
Waiting.... bored.... typical
Oh ya... mean time our dishwasher decides to overflow and pour out water. nice....
Coloring the eggs... so much fun!
Of course I had to do my name.....
The three egg colorers.... (from Left to Right) Chyla, Me, Mike
And here's where I will be in 6 days...
Welp, that was my Easters! Oh and I ate a ham sand which because it's Easter and Easter = Ham Dinner. :)
Hope Everyone had a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

i am glad chyla found an egg. i am also glad you mopped the kitchen floor. whether you intended to or not.