Monday, December 15, 2008

Cash Cab

So Nicole called me today while I was at work. I answered it and said I'd have to call her back. Like an hour later she calls again, which was unusual. So I answered and this is how our convo went...

Me: Hello??
Nicole: Hey I'm on Cash Cab and need your help..
Me: WHAT? REALLY? Ok! What's the question?
Nicole: What's the name of the snake on Jungle Book?
Me: Uh... I saw a picture of it at school.... it was written on it. It's like Baa. I know it has double A's.... Uh...
Nicole: No it's like Sharka or something.
---Background: 30 seconds-----
Nicole: Hurry 30 seconds
Me: NO! It's Kaa!!!!
Nicole: Kaa.... YAY! We won $25!!!!
Me: Wait! Are you really on Cash Cab?
Nicole: (hesitant) ya! (silence)
Me:(starting to realize real life) Wait..
Nicole: Ok not really...
Me: Gosh ya my thought process was this... Nicole's gonna be on TV!!! Wait. Cash Cab in N.Y. and Nicole is in Las Vegas. Maybe there is a cash cab in Las Vegas. Wait why is she taking a cab??

Oh how I am my mother's daughter and can believe things people tell me... sad

I do love cash cab and hope someday someone thinks I am smart enough to call me as there shout out. Even if it does involve a Disney movie!


Kristin said...

haha. i totally was like "oooh ooh i know this one!"

what a sucker.

Amanda said...

oh my gosh i was SO excited when i saw your title. i love cash cab. i would not have put it together that she was joking. hahaha that is funny.

Nicole said...

So great! I actually tricked you. I am glad to know that if I were in cash cab you would have helped me out.

Anonymous said...

Yet again... you never fail to give a great laugh!