Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Remember how...

Remember how I have been really cranky lately and I just want everyone to leave me alone... except for when I want to play...
Remember how I am almost done with my 5th Semester at BYU-Idaho and I want to kick everyone of my teachers.. minus Brother Gardner (he's awesome)
Remember how one of my teachers told me to go back to Beauty School
Remember how I told that teacher that I WOULD accomplish my dreams
Remember how Buddha's getting married in less than a month
Remember how all I want to do is see my sister and have her give me a hug... and a free rock
Remember how tax returns saved my life
Remember how I still don't have a job....
Remember how I can't wait to see my parents.... I wish April 8th was tomorrow
Remember how my parents are really good to me... and I don't deserve them
Remember how I failed my New Testament Test today and spent an hour and a half on it
Remember how I got a flip mino hd for my birthday and used it everyday for a month then now I barely have time to shower and haven't vlogged for 4 days in a row..
Remember how I am avoiding studying for my test by updating my blog because nothing new is happening on facebook
Remember how all I can think about is going to Bellingham/ Vegas for my break and I wish it was here tomorrow
Remember how I "THINK" I am only going to take a carry on with me....
Remember how we ALL know that ISN'T going to happen
Remember how this made a lot of my stress go away...
Back to studying!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I remember that. I wish I could give you a hug and a free rock too.