Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is it January yet???

Ok, so a lot has happened in my life since the last time I blogged. NOT! Remember how I don't have a life and all I do is work and watch Heroes (Thanks Bonnie and Tyler!) / Amazing Race/ Survivor/ The Office/ Vampire Diaries/ GLEE!!! YA I know. I don't have a life! It is pretty embarrassing how many shows I watch. Wow. Before I moved home in June I didn't even watch TV at all..... hmmm.... what a waste of my time... oh well! It is quite entertaining and I only get to do it until I go back to school in January. So might as well enjoy it right? In other news I just watched the Thursday night line up which consist of 3 of them.. First, Survivor. If you aren't watching this season you are missing out! It is absolutely ridiculous how Russell started out the season no one liked him (*Minus Scott Peck, of course!) and now, I love him. I don't want him to win, but I hope he keeps it up! Next, The Office... I hope DMI stocks go up soon... This show makes me laugh so hard! Especially Dwight! And finally... Vampire Diaries. I almost like Vampire Diaries more than Twilight (ONLY THE MOVIE!!!) because of one thing. The actors are like 654,245,977,246 times better than Bella. End of discussion. And I said I almost like it better than Twilight the movie. ALMOST!

Also.... I went to visit Tyler and Bonnie and Lucy Haas a few weeks ago (wow.... I am a SLACK-ERRR). I shall be posting about that soon. We had an amazing time and it was definitely needed... on both ends. I loved spending time with one of my best friends, Bonnie. We picked up right where we left off... amazing. And it was good to get to know Tyler better. He is such a funny guy! And my little Lucy... she is the most precious little girl. I love her with all of my heart. And she LOVES me.... and that makes me happy. Pictures/ videos to come of my trip and all the tricks I taught her!
Ok, on to more important topics.... Lately when I wake up all I think is "Is it January yet??" for several reasons. One, I am eager to get back into school. Three, I am excited to have a social life... and see my Buddha!!! Seven, because I am or was incredibly sick of issues that were arising about me being "a mormon". So, here is my response to anyone and everyone that has an issue about Mormonism. (Basically a long ranting from me... don't feel like you have to read, it might not even make sense....)
Dear the stuck-up "Mormon Hater",
Yes, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I consider myself lucky to be a member of the only true church on this Earth! Do I think I am better than you? No. Actually I think we are equal. But I am blessed to know already. To know why I am on this Earth and what is to come of us after we finish our stay on this Earth. Do I judge you because of your choices. Whether you drink, smoke, lie, steal, cheat, kill, are gay? Nope. I love you just the same. Maybe if you kill someone I might be a little weary around you. But I would never judge you. That's not my place. I don't like to judge because I don't want that sin of what I am judging you on me.... I sin enough as it is. I don't need other people's sins. However, if you have had bad experiences with "Mormons" I am truly sorry. I hope you can see from my example not all "Mormons" are bad people. Most of them are the nicest people you will ever meet in your life. But here is something someone once told me when a "Mormon" wronged me "The religion is true, the people aren't". Get it? Just because some "Mormon(s)" wronged you doesn't mean that everyone is bad. You liked me just fine until you found out I was LDS. That isn't right. Just because you don't agree with my religion doesn't give you a right to be rude to me. I never shove my religion down any one's throat. I prefer just to be an example to everyone around me...And believe me, I could be that type that shoves everything down your throat. I know everything that I believe is true without a shadow of a doubt. I couldn't always say this, but now I can. I know what I believe and I know what I stand for. I know that there is a plan for each one of us and that we are all loved by our Heavenly Father. And I try to be like my Savior, Jesus Christ and be an example of Him and that is how I choose to show my testimony. And when people notice that I am different. They come to me and ask me questions I have the answers and am ready to share. So to you my friend, if you could just please respect me and my beliefs I think we should be able to live in harmony. And I know someday you will realize that I wasn't so crazy after all and my crazy "mormon underwear" and "temples" and "sacredness" is all very important in the Lord's plan. And very special to me. I hope your heart will be soften someday so you can enjoy the same happiness I enjoy.

Your sister in Zion,

P.S. Thanks for making me so excited to go back to BYU-Idaho and be around all those mormons! :)


Lee-Ann and James Miller said...

Amen sista!

Bonnie and Tyler said...

My words Exactly! I miss you tons, and cant wait for you to move back to Idaho! Love you like a sister!
PS: Lucy gives you "high ten"!!

Tami said...

Where are you going to be living in Rexburg? I'm going up in January too! We'll have to get together.