Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Please let me tell you how finals week is going thus far... starting with today...
  • Woke up at 8:20 am.
  • Had a group final that started at 8am and I had all the papers for it (oops!).
  • Was running out the door texting my group apologizing asking how long I had... they said 5 minutes..
  • Opened the door to go outside and realized it snowed 6 inches last night
  • Took me 5 minutes just to scrape my car off... (uh-oh!!!!!!)
  • Got to the final 30 seconds late, and the teacher never even knew (phew!)
  • Talked to my PoliSci Teacher he told me he thought I am a "very intelligent young woman and I need to have more faith in myself" (he might be the smartest guy I know!)
  • Gave me my paper back...Got an EXCELLENT grade on it, he also told me what was on my final for tomorrow...
  • Then took my math final... of course I got an A (no duh!)
  • Took my math teacher his favorite cookies and made sure that I got an A in his class!
So now I just need to do the following before I can go home to WASHINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Go to class tomorrow
  • After classes take my Religion Final in Testing Center (blah!)
  • Take my PoliSci final in my teacher's office... (I am nervous for that..)
  • Write a 3-5 page essay for a final in Criminology
  • Pack
  • Clean
  • Go home
So all in all, today, being the first day of the actual finals part... has started off a little rocky... luckily I snuck into the final without any fail. My group didn't even hate me... Then the rest of the day has been a complete success. Now to study and get good grades for the rest of my finals.... I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!


Nicole said...


Bonnie and Tyler said...

Yay Shell!! Hope you had a good week! Say hi to Bellingham for me! I love you!!