Tuesday, March 23, 2010

50 Ways I love my Dad!!!!!

Today is my Dad's 50th Birthday!!!! So I decided I would write 50 things I love about him.

I Love...........
  1. His humor
  2. His laugh
  3. His smile
  4. His testimony
  5. His intelligence
  6. His willingness to serve
  7. His missing toe
  8. He loves my mom
  9. He loves Nicole
  10. He loves me
  11. He helps me
  12. He supports me in whatever I want to do
  13. He debates stuff with me
  14. He works hard
  15. He plays hard
  16. He spoils his "girls" (Mom included)
  17. He sacrifices for others
  18. He's kind
  19. He's giving
  20. He makes me laugh
  21. He helps me find solutions to my many problems
  22. He loves everyone
  23. He loves cruises/ vacations
  24. He takes my mom on dates
  25. He expects Nicole and I to succeed
  26. HE is a worthy priesthood holder
  27. He gives us blessings when we need them
  28. He doesn't get mad I gave him gray hair
  29. He never complains
  30. He's good at his job
  31. He supports our family
  32. He is happy having all daughters
  33. He taught me about cars and tools and stuff
  34. He went on Choir Tour with my High School with me
  35. He taught me how to drive
  36. He taught me how to drive a stick
  37. He raised Nicole and I in the Gospel
  38. He went to my games when I was younger
  39. He taught me the importance of the Gospel
  40. He plays games with Friends
  41. He helps my Grandparents
  42. He loves Football
  43. He uses Homer Simpson as an example of a father
  44. He has taken me shopping for feminine hygiene products
  45. And paid for them when I walked away....
  46. He watches the same shows as I do... and has introduced me to them
  47. He ensures everyone around him is happy
  48. He'll talk to me for hours if I want/ need him to
  49. He protects our border
  50. He is the BEST DAD in the WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Dad, I love you so much and am so grateful that you are my Dad!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Honesty IS the Best Policy!!!!

So when my teacher handed out our tests today I flipped through the pages to see how long it was and when I got to the biggest part of the test, the matching, all the answers were already filled in. Without even thinking I threw the test back at him and yelled "I'm not supposed to see that!" The whole class was silent as he debated what to do. I promised I hadn't memorized any of the answers in the 2.3 seconds I had it in my hands. So he let me take the test like normal. When I handed in the test at the very last second I could. (I was the last 3 out of 50 to finish the test). As I handed the test to him he said, "Thank-you for being honest. I would have never known that those answers were already on there. And I don't even know why they were..." I thought to myself "REALLY??? DANGIT!!!!" Then I thought of how clear of a conscience I had right then... worth way more than an "A" on this test. Then as I turned to go. He said "Michelle, write the word HONESTY in big letters on the top of your paper." I did as I was told even though I thought he was going crazy... he then said these sweet, sweet words to me "I'm giving you extra credit for being honest. It's the LEAST I can do." Thank you Brother Whiting! You are a crazy man sometimes that can be convinced to make our homework load as light as possible, but you are a just and fair man. Thank-you!!! With all the extra credit I am getting on this test, I should get a fairly good grade :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Remember how...

Remember how I have been really cranky lately and I just want everyone to leave me alone... except for when I want to play...
Remember how I am almost done with my 5th Semester at BYU-Idaho and I want to kick everyone of my teachers.. minus Brother Gardner (he's awesome)
Remember how one of my teachers told me to go back to Beauty School
Remember how I told that teacher that I WOULD accomplish my dreams
Remember how Buddha's getting married in less than a month
Remember how all I want to do is see my sister and have her give me a hug... and a free rock
Remember how tax returns saved my life
Remember how I still don't have a job....
Remember how I can't wait to see my parents.... I wish April 8th was tomorrow
Remember how my parents are really good to me... and I don't deserve them
Remember how I failed my New Testament Test today and spent an hour and a half on it
Remember how I got a flip mino hd for my birthday and used it everyday for a month then now I barely have time to shower and haven't vlogged for 4 days in a row..
Remember how I am avoiding studying for my test by updating my blog because nothing new is happening on facebook
Remember how all I can think about is going to Bellingham/ Vegas for my break and I wish it was here tomorrow
Remember how I "THINK" I am only going to take a carry on with me....
Remember how we ALL know that ISN'T going to happen
Remember how this made a lot of my stress go away...
Back to studying!